So our band drove down to Gainesville Floirda from PA so we could hopefully get to play a show. We got to play an awesome show in front of about 200 in a warehouse. I also got to see New Bruises, Les Than Jake, Dillinger Four and Magrudergrind. So all in all it was an amazing trip.
The main reason I am updating this blog is because of the finds I got down there. Here ya go!
All You Can Eat - Ballinger (Little Deputy. Black)
Blink 182 - They Came To Conquer Uranus (Grilled Cheese. Blue vinyl.
Good Riddance - Gidget (Little Deputy. Black. Pretty sure this is a reissue)
Off With Their Heads - Live At The Atlantic Volume 2 (Limited edition hand # 5/80. Light green)
Off With Their Heads - Live At The Atlantic Volume 2 (green vinyl. hand #575/650)
J Church / Sound on Sound - Split (pink vinyl. 500 pressed)
Avail - Live at the Kings Head Inn (black)
Off With Their Heads - All Things Toward Their End (Purple)
Off With Their Heads - Hospitals (Grey)
The Gaslight Anthem - Sing or Swim (clear)
Rehasher - Rehasher (green and white split)
Deadsure - from your head to your sacrum
Over It - The Ready Series
Spoke - Done
The Crumbs - Gold That shit right
The Revisions - Revised Observations
The 'Tone - Heres Another Reason
True North - Somewhat Similar
V/A - Fountains of Folly
V/A - Four Score And Four Shitty Label Compilations Ago
V/A - Save The Vinyl (#180/200)
V/A - Silver Sprocket Bicycle Club Sampler
V/A - The Fest 8