Here it is! The comp responsible for getting me into one of my favorite bands "Lanemeyer". And Also my first taste and 90's style pop punk. It also house one of my top 5 favorite songs (Easy Target - Stickin' Around).
About 10 years ago, I was in a barn show in Westminster MD with Say Anything (not the wimpy emo band), Innerside Burning (hxc), Element 101, Hangnail and The Undecided. As I was browsing the merch table, I notice 2 compilations. This one, and Happy Christmas volume 2 on BEC recordings. I wasnt sure about this comp, so I bought happy christmas because BEC and Tooth & Nail were putting out some awesome pop punk at the time. The x-mas comp had only 1 good song on it (MxPx - Christmas Day). So I was a bit bummed out. Wishing I would have bought the Going Nowhere Fast compilation just for the MxPx and Element 101 songs.
About a month or so later, Element 101 was playing in Gettysburg PA at a place called The Bombshelter. I saw this comp there (for around $5 I think) so of course I bought it. And so begins my obsession with rare pop punk compilations.
After a few years of listening to this CD non stop, I lost it. I was heartbroken. I feared I would never see this comp again. And it took almost another 3 years of searching high and low before a copy popped up on eBay. I put in a $50 bid right away. I was not going to let this go! I ended up getting it for around $4 or something. And since I bought this (probably in 2002 or 2003) I have yet to see another copy for sale.
OK, enough about me. This was released on Destined To Fail Recordings in 1999. They were out of WA. After years and years of searching, I still have yet to uncover any other information on this label, or some of the bands on it. So download it, and enjoy. Because you will probably never see it again.
The New Found Glory track is an unreleased demo version. Listen to how young they sound!
ALSO, I'm looking for information on the following bands from this comp: Easy Target, Clothesline, Slappy
1. Hangnail - Don't Forget About Tomorrow
2. A New Found Glory - The Goodbye Song
3. Arthur - Partly Cloudy
4. Element - A Galaxy Apart
5. Easy Target - Stickin' Around
6. MxPx - Good Friends Are Hard To Find
7. The Incrowd - Short Change
8. Hagfish - Envy
9. The Youth Ahead - It's Not Me
10. Clothesline - Under Control
11. Boxcar - G.O.T.
12. Jimmy Spider And The Vacancies - Sugarpop
13. Bracket - Betterman
14. The Specters - The Chainsaw Song
15. Budget - Sold
16. Acceptance - Compromise
17. Slappy - What She Said
18. Lanemeyer - Figure It Out
19. Looking For Link - Yesterday
20. Buckwild - Hail To The King
21. The Ataris - San Dimas High School Football Rules
Thank you so much for putting these tracks up! This is one of the first pop punk CDs I ever bought and a few years back it got all scratched up and thrown out and I have been missing it ever since. "A Galaxy Apart" was my favorite track on here and I'm so happy I finally get to listen to it again. You are my hero! :]
im glad somebody liked this CD! I feel in love with it when I saw element 101 and bought it at a show. such a good comp. and it sucks its so rare
this is incredibly random but i'm pretty sure i was at this same show. grew up in westminster. i don't recall say anything being around the same time as innerside burning though. bummed say anything didn't keep playing, i'm still convinced that band had loads of potential. i still see some of those dudes from time to time.
found your blog looking for that old bedford album, who i also saw in westminster a bunch. kudos!
I've had a coyp of this CD for 10 years. A high school friend was dating one of the members of Looking for Link, so I was able to get an autographed copy - so some dude who's name I can't even read from a band that's not even around anymore on a CD that no one knows about - I got an autograph. Woo, oo?
hey thanks guys for reading my blog! and to the person who saw shows in Westminster, got any old demos or releases from bands around there? I'd love to get some. And as far as looking for link, I miss that band
Just came across this post. What kind of info do you need on Slappy? I didn't play on the song here, but was in the band for a few years.
I have no idea what account I'm signed under but I'm looking on a history, and discography on slappy. I'd love for somebody to provide me that info! Too many great bands are lost in time it seems.
Hi! Does somebody have other Easy Target records? Their 'Stickin' around' from this compilation is great! I heard they released album "Million Dollar Dream" but I still haven't found any evidence it even existed. Please somebody tell me if this actually exist, and if somebody has it I'd love to get it.
Destined to fail recording was owned by casy marquis who used to date mike herrera of mxpx's little sister... casy only released a couple records... i believe this comp, and a 4 way split with veronica, the rocking horse winner, and the incrowd..... i cant remember the last band on the split...
is there any way I can get a hold of Casy and maybe get the other releases on this label? I've been looking for a discography for a long time
Well it maybe your lucky day because i think i got a case of each of these releases down the basement. see i used to be in the incrowd which so happens to be on both releases.... i went onto bigger & better things in music, so there they sit collecting dust!!
YES! Email me at gapajeff@gmail.com and I'll be interested in some of those releases.
PHi. Former Slappy members Matthew Strubel and Jay Mazeffect can be found on Facebook. Also, the band now has a Facebook page too. They're great guys and Slappy was such a great fun band back in the day.
Great artwork!
Thank you so much for the Jimmy Spider track - I've been looking for their album for years now so it was awesome to finally hear a track. If anyone has any other Danny Frye/Jimmy Spider/Bopdead stuff, please email me at flynn@givvi.co.uk
Thank you. Peace x
I'm still sitting on a case of these in My basement somewhere if anyone is interested in them?
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